Untitled (Launch Pad) , 2002, acrylic & oil on canvas, 72 x 64 inches (Left)   Untitled (Swimming with Sharks) , 2002, acrylic & oil on canvas, 84 x 70 inches (Right)  Installation View,  Post ,  Gallery Katz , Boston, MA 2002

Untitled (Launch Pad), 2002, acrylic & oil on canvas, 72 x 64 inches (Left)

Untitled (Swimming with Sharks), 2002, acrylic & oil on canvas, 84 x 70 inches (Right)

Installation View, Post, Gallery Katz, Boston, MA 2002

  Untitled (Swimming with Sharks) , 2002, acrylic & oil on canvas, 84 x 70 inches (Left)   Untitled (SplitView) , 2002, acrylic & oil on canvas, 78 x 70 inches (Right)  Installation View,  Post ,  Gallery Katz , Boston, MA 2002

Untitled (Swimming with Sharks), 2002, acrylic & oil on canvas, 84 x 70 inches (Left)

Untitled (SplitView), 2002, acrylic & oil on canvas, 78 x 70 inches (Right)

Installation View, Post, Gallery Katz, Boston, MA 2002

  Untitled (SplitView) , 2002, acrylic & oil on canvas, 78 x 70 inches

Untitled (SplitView), 2002, acrylic & oil on canvas, 78 x 70 inches

  Untitled (Launch Pad) , 2002, acrylic & oil on canvas, 72 x 64 inches

Untitled (Launch Pad), 2002, acrylic & oil on canvas, 72 x 64 inches

  Untitled (Post) , 2002, acrylic & oil on canvas, 70 x 64 inches

Untitled (Post), 2002, acrylic & oil on canvas, 70 x 64 inches

  Untitled (Swimming with Sharks) , 2002, acrylic & oil on canvas, 84 x 70 inches

Untitled (Swimming with Sharks), 2002, acrylic & oil on canvas, 84 x 70 inches

  Untitled (Launch Pad) , 2002, acrylic & oil on canvas, 72 x 64 inches (Left)   Untitled (Swimming with Sharks) , 2002, acrylic & oil on canvas, 84 x 70 inches (Right)  Installation View,  Post ,  Gallery Katz , Boston, MA 2002
  Untitled (Swimming with Sharks) , 2002, acrylic & oil on canvas, 84 x 70 inches (Left)   Untitled (SplitView) , 2002, acrylic & oil on canvas, 78 x 70 inches (Right)  Installation View,  Post ,  Gallery Katz , Boston, MA 2002
  Untitled (SplitView) , 2002, acrylic & oil on canvas, 78 x 70 inches
  Untitled (Launch Pad) , 2002, acrylic & oil on canvas, 72 x 64 inches
  Untitled (Post) , 2002, acrylic & oil on canvas, 70 x 64 inches
  Untitled (Swimming with Sharks) , 2002, acrylic & oil on canvas, 84 x 70 inches

Untitled (Launch Pad), 2002, acrylic & oil on canvas, 72 x 64 inches (Left)

Untitled (Swimming with Sharks), 2002, acrylic & oil on canvas, 84 x 70 inches (Right)

Installation View, Post, Gallery Katz, Boston, MA 2002

Untitled (Swimming with Sharks), 2002, acrylic & oil on canvas, 84 x 70 inches (Left)

Untitled (SplitView), 2002, acrylic & oil on canvas, 78 x 70 inches (Right)

Installation View, Post, Gallery Katz, Boston, MA 2002

Untitled (SplitView), 2002, acrylic & oil on canvas, 78 x 70 inches

Untitled (Launch Pad), 2002, acrylic & oil on canvas, 72 x 64 inches

Untitled (Post), 2002, acrylic & oil on canvas, 70 x 64 inches

Untitled (Swimming with Sharks), 2002, acrylic & oil on canvas, 84 x 70 inches

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