Untitled (Boat Barn), 2006, acrylic & oil on canvas, 78 x 96 inches
Untitled (Through the Forest), 2003, watercolor on paper (framed) + oil on mylar, 44 x 80 inches
Untitled (Stacks), 2005, acrylic & oil on canvas, 54 x 50 inches
Untitled (Lift Off), 2003, watercolor on paper (framed) + oil on mylar, 60 x 54 inches
Untitled (Building A Bridge), 2003, watercolor on paper (framed) + oil on mylar, 64 x 42 inches
Untitled (Snowblind), 2006, acrylic & oil on canvas, 63 x 58 inches
Untitled (Problems with Volume), 2003, acrylic & oil on canvas, 64 x 58 inches
Untitled (Feeling the Pull), 2003, acrylic & oil on canvas, 78 x 70 inches
Untitled (Seeing It Rise), 2003, acrylic & oil on canvas, 60 x 54 inches
Untitled (Boat Barn), 2006, acrylic & oil on canvas, 78 x 96 inches
Untitled (Through the Forest), 2003, watercolor on paper (framed) + oil on mylar, 44 x 80 inches
Untitled (Stacks), 2005, acrylic & oil on canvas, 54 x 50 inches
Untitled (Lift Off), 2003, watercolor on paper (framed) + oil on mylar, 60 x 54 inches
Untitled (Building A Bridge), 2003, watercolor on paper (framed) + oil on mylar, 64 x 42 inches
Untitled (Snowblind), 2006, acrylic & oil on canvas, 63 x 58 inches
Untitled (Problems with Volume), 2003, acrylic & oil on canvas, 64 x 58 inches
Untitled (Feeling the Pull), 2003, acrylic & oil on canvas, 78 x 70 inches
Untitled (Seeing It Rise), 2003, acrylic & oil on canvas, 60 x 54 inches